Outlining Wickedness Sermon Series: By: Pastor Michael Miano of Blue Point Bible Church Introduction The Biblical Narrative Identifying & Demolishing Carnality Killing Sin Wickedness Identified Spirituality & Religion Identifying & Defeating the Satan (Part 1) Identifying & Defeating the Satan (Part 2) What is an Angel? Casting Out Demons & L.I.F.E. www.satandispelled.info
Sons of God – angelic beings or human beings? Sons of God – Are they Angelic Beings or Human Beings David Curtis, of Berean Bible Church located in Virginia, is teaching the Scriptures, verse by verse, in the book of Ephesians at this time and is in chapter 6 speaking of spiritual warfare. Many use the Eph. 6 passages to support their theory that we are wrestling against demonic forces but that is not what is really being spoken of in this message since most Preterist believes that the imaginary devil has been defeated, according to Hebrews 2:14 , and is now either annihilated or in the lack of fire. AUDIO CKIP Sons of God – Genesis 6:2 – Q & As BBC Jan 25, 2015 What is being said in this message is that the “sons of God” is referring to “angelic beings” and David has listed three statements on views, that some, Preterist might hold today: Last week we started a series on spiritual warfare, and we looked at three positions that are held by belie...